Full Share: Big Bunch Rhubarb, 3 Cucumber, Broccolini, Lettuce Mix, Sage, Green Garlic, Sorrel

Half Share: Small Bunch Rhubarb, 2 Cucumber, Lettuce Mix, Green Garlic, Sorrel


Happy Tuesday everyone!!

Wowza has it been HOT the last few days. With little rain in sight and these temperatures, we are irrigating our fields essentially all the time during daylight hours. They are growing nicely. Our flower field is soon to be blooming with an array of colors that will bring smiles to everyone’s faces who has subscribed to our flower share this year.

We have an exciting event series to announce for this summer. A pop up farm dinner series! Located at the farm with all the fixings grown here. Two local chefs, Jordan Atwood and Matt Fritz, will team up to produce a delicious meal to dance across your taste buds with the backdrop of the farm. Jordan previously worked at Saffron Table, as well as Rainbow Ranch and others. He now runs our animal program. Matt is a personal chef and owner/oparator of private catering company Freestone Kitchen. How cool! This first one will be small, with larger ones on the way. You can sign up here.

Please don’t forget to sign off your name each week before or after taking your produce. This is vital to our box system! Also we reuse boxes for many years to come, so please just take the bag out of the box and leave the box behind, or return it each week by swapping out a new one. These boxes are non recyclable with the wax coating, but very durable for our reuse.

Cucumbers and sorrel make a fabulous combination. I’m going to try out this Sorrel salad with my burgers tonight with more cucumber, red tropea onions and tossed with cold quinoa. YUM! A substitute for pomegranate molasses might be a cranberry juice reduction or raspberry jam and lemon juice.

Our farmer of the week is non other Jordan (who I mentioned earlier). He is from Michigan, relocating to Montana for a degree in Sustainable Food Systems. In his spare time he likes to travel the world with wife, snowboard the Bridger’s in the winter and cook up fantastic meals inspired by Peruvian, Mexican and classic French cuisine. Below is a picture of him in Peru!


Until next week, Alley

Jacy Rothschiller