Winter CSA - Week of January 19
Full Share : Green Cabbage, Garlic, 1/2# Shallots, 3# Fingerling Potatoes, 2 Celeriac, 3# Carrots, Cilantro, Spinach
Half Share: Green Cabbage, Garlic, 1/4# Shallots, 1.5# Fingerling Potatoes, 1.5# Carrots, Spinach
Hi everyone!
The days are getting longer, our cold room and storage is clearing and we are slowly starting to prepare for the next season. Which means that next week marks the last week of our winter CSA program! We hope you have been enjoying it so far.
For this week I would like to share one of my favorite recipes - Krautfleckerl. It’s a classic Austrian dish that you can find on every restaurant menu in Vienna, where I am from. It’s super simple to make and very comforting in the winter.
The recipe I found uses bacon but you can also omit it to make it vegetarian, which is more traditional. For the noodles I like to use Country Pasta (a Montana based company!!) and gently smash the bag with my hands to break the noodles into smaller pieces.
250 g pasta ("Fleckerl" shape or other short pasta)
1 head white cabbage
1 onion
1 cup diced bacon
3 tbsp. sugar
4 tsp. caraway seeds
2 tsp. red paprika powder
1/2 cup water
3 tbsp. oil neutral taste (no olive oil etc.)
salt to taste
pepper to taste
fresh parsley to garnish
Cut 1 head of white cabbage and 1 onion to small pieces (about 0,5 inch / 1-2 cm).
In a large pan (12 inch min.), caramelize 3 tbsp sugar, add bacon and onion, cook on medium heat until onion is brown and soft.
Add 4 tsp caraway seeds and 2 tsp red paprika powder.
Add cabbage and 1/2 cup of water (eventually some oil). Cook for 20 min or longer (the longer the better) until cabbage is soft and brownish.Salt and pepper, eventually add a few spoons more sugar!
In the meantime, boil pasta al dente.
Mix with pasta.Sprinkle with parsley before serving. Enjoy
I recommend serving this with a spinach salad with an apple cider vinegar dressing!
Also we would love to hear what you have been making with all your CSA vegetables! If there are any recipes you would like to share with our CSA community please email them to Jacy (email address………….) and we will share them all in the newsletter next week. We look forwarding to hearing everybody’s ideas :)
Our sheep dog Magda guarding her flock