Summer 2021 CSA - Week 10

Full Share: Crookneck Squash, Yellow Onion, Dragon Beans, Tomatillo, Carrot, Tomatoes, Bell Pepper, Basil, Lettuce Head, Kale

Half Share: Crookneck Squash, Yellow Onion, Dragon Beans, Carrot, Tomatoes, Basil, Lettuce Head

This week we have our crew member Rylie telling you about her experience with us.


My name is Rylie, I grew up in Northern California, and graduated from Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon in 2020. I moved to Bozeman this winter to enjoy the natural spaces surrounding the town, and spend time with friends and family. Growing up I loved gardening with my Dad, swimming, surfing, and diving in the ocean, reading long books, and dancing around whenever I could. Joining the Rocky Creek and GVB team has been such a delight! I have loved learning about planting and harvesting different vegetables, spending most of my time outside, and getting to know my lovely coworkers. If you see me, say HI!


Back to Alley,

SQUASH SQUASH SQUASH! We decided to give everyone a single variety this week. One of my favorite ways of eating them are to do a simple stuffing of whatever I have on hand or follow a recipe like this one. As the season stays hot in the day and changes to cool at night, we begin to enjoy all the summer harvests we’ve waited the last two months for.. Roma tomatoes, beans, peppers, hardier greens like cabbage and, of course, more tomatoes.

Cheers friends, Alley

Jacy Rothschiller