spring Farm School


Our Mission

At Farm School, our mission is to engage students with local agriculture and ecosystems to enrich their schooling with experiences in farming, community skills, and place based education, all while building confidence as members of a natural community.



Our curriculum is divided into two main subjects: farming and community skills.

Community skills

Farming could not exist without community, and so we will focus the other half of our curriculum on those skills necessary for sustaining a community of people in the world. We believe community skills to be: food preparation, cooking, and preservation; nature literacy, crafts, art, communication, and emotional intelligence.


We believe that understanding where food comes from is vitally important, and that a basic knowledge on food systems is not enough. At Farm School students will become intimately connected with their food and farming through real world projects, experiments, lessons, and daily chores. Through the course of the semester, students will feel empowered as farmers, and gain an appreciation for the complexities of where our food comes from.

In addition to these curricular elements, we will be weaving traditional school skills such as reading, writing, math, and science into everything we do. For example, we might have to practice our reading to research the best food to feed our pigs, and then use math to calculate the amount of food we should be feeding them based on their weight and age. The possibilities are endless!


Schedule and Ages

spring 2024 Farm School Takes place Thursdays from May 2nd through may 23rd

all sessions run from 9am to 3:30pm and take place at Rocky Creek Farm

Programs Are mixed-age: Currently welcoming Kindergarteners - 5th Graders

Programs are designed for remote learners and Homeschool students seeking school enrichment programming. With teacher approval, our programs are also open to students in full-time school!

Sample Daily Schedule

9am / Drop-off

9:15 / Welcome circle, intro activity

9:30 / Morning chores

10:00 / Snack

10:15 / Morning Workshop

12:00 / Lunch and free play

12:45 / Sit spot or quiet activity

1:00 / Afternoon Workshop

2:45 / Afternoon Chores

3:15 / Closing circle



Tuition for Spring Farm School will be $350

Refund Policy

We would like to mention that there are additional costs of running programming, and we have factored in the cost of overhead, planning, and preparation into our refund policy. We also understand that you are taking a risk in signing up for our programs, and our goal is to share that risk as equitably as possible.

Tuition is fully refundable (less a $50 registration deposit) up to 14 days prior to the starting date. Cancellations within 14 days may receive a partial refund of 50%, and no refund will be rewarded for a cancellation within 7 days of the start.

If we have to cancel before the start of our program due to state mandated COVID guidelines, we will issue a 75% refund of the deposit. If you have to miss sessions due to COVID or sickness we can offer a 50% refund for that session. Other cancellations that are not COVID related are non-refundable.

Questions or comments?

Email our Education Director, Mellanie Lerum, at rockycreekeducation@gmail.com