Winter CSA Week of January 23-27, 2023, Last Box for this season!

Full Share: Baby Kale, Mixed Mustard Greens, Microgreens, Daikon Radish Bunch, 4# Carrots, Choice of Beets or Parsnips, Choice of Winter Squash, 5 ct Garlic

Half Share: Baby Kale, Microgreens, Daikon Radish Bunch, 2# Carrots, Choice of Beets or Parsnips, Choice of Winter Squash, 2 Garlic

Farm Friends,

After a long break from the newsletter I am happy to be getting a chance to say Hi and also thank you for being a part of our farm! We are so grateful to share our farm and our food with our community. Matt and I are excited to be planning our 21st year farming! This time of year in 2003 we rented a little plot of land from LaVonne and Chris Stucky out in Manhattan (Now home to the Woolmill!) and our adventure began. That first year was so hard and magical at the same time. We were learning and exploring and felt really free to try new things. We try to bring that beginners mind into next years planning and really dig into what worked and what should change. So we begin again, and find joy in the perfect on paper season.

We have sign ups ready for the Whole Farm CSA Program, our year round program that starts its yearly season next week. We will have Summer CSA shares for Veggies and Flowers on sale in the next week or two and will send you an email when it is available for sign up.

For this weeks produce, I was happy to give you a fresh bunch of Baby Daikon from the greenhouse. We have a few different choices for you this week- beets or parsnips, and a few last kinds of Squash to choose from. We are also leaving you with a big bag of carrots to last you for a few weeks. I put a 4# bag in my fridge 10 days ago to see how I used them and even without making a Carrot Soup, Carrot Cake or Muffins, or Juicing, we have still used them up! We have put raw carrot sticks in Ania’s lunch everyday, and I leave extras in a bowl for me to grab for snacks, made stir fry with Carrots, Watermelon Radish, and Greens, and we made a giant pan of mixed roasted root veggies that is a staple for us. We usually have Roasted Root Veggie for dinner one night then we can put leftovers on salad or over rice for a quick lunch the next few days. Here is another carrot idea that was a hit at Cookbook club : Korean Carrots from the Ukrainian Cookbook, Mamushka by Olia Hercules.

Here is a new recipe for : Sweet and Sticky Cider Roasted Parsnips ! I have not tried this recipe, but I love all roasted Parsnips so I want to try this one soon. It will be the perfect recipe if you have some of our Apple Cider leftover. This link also has a few other ideas to use up your Parsnips if you have a few extras around.

Thank you again for being part of our Farm and Community,


Jacy Rothschiller