WFCSA - Week of October 24th
Full share: Arugula, braising greens, sorrel, scallions, 3 tomatoes, cilantro, lunchbox peppers, 2 sugar dumpling squash, broccolini
Half share: Arugula, braising greens, sorrel, scallions, 2 tomatoes, 1 sugar dumpling squash, broccolini
Greenhouses 4 and 5 (your tomato and cucumber suppliers) in the snow.
Things are always changing at the farm but Sunday morning brought something very different than what we’ve gotten used to seeing for the past several months. The snow brings a lot of changes to the farm and slowing down becomes as inevitable as it is necessary. After working at 100% all summer long, in October we do it with chilly mornings, and the clock ticking on getting everything out of the ground before the killing frost, the grand finale of the season. And on top of all that we run a Fall Festival!! But then the snow comes and we have to slow down -- crops die or begin their winter hibernation, crowds subside, we even see Montana drivers slow down on the roads, a truly shocking sight. To me at least, it feels really good.
This week’s box is really the perfect compliment to the weather. It’s perfect for warming soups and big pots of beans, and for hearty breakfasts eaten slowly at the table. But before that, a few reminders:
Last week was the final week for fresh flowers in CSA. Dried wreaths coming soon!
Make sure to pick up your pumpkins! You can choose any from outside or inside the market stand, the greenhouse pumpkin patch, and any uncovered bins. 2 for half share and 4 for full shares. We will likely sell out this weekend.
Cider is currently out, but we will have more starting Thursday morning.
October meat is in the cooler. A few of you still have packages from September, so be sure to check if that’s you.
Winter CSA starts next week! Market style pickup will be at the farm from 2-6pm on Wednesdays, after that time we will box up your shares and store them in the cooler for the next week. Big Sky and Livingston deliveries will resume and will also be on Wednesdays.
Produce spotlights:
Sugar dumpling squash: “Sweet dumpling squash is a small winter squash with a hard, cream-colored and mottled green skin. Its sweet flavor, which pairs well with maple syrup and other sweet glazes, makes it a flavorful treat that is equally suited for sweet and savory preparations. It also has a nutty flavor that makes it ideal for savory cooking (just like pumpkin can be used for pies AND savory pumpkin dip). The flesh is on the drier side, which means it caramelizes very well when roasted (and gets even sweeter), and becomes smooth and creamy when pureed.” (What Is Sweet Dumpling Squash?)
Arugula: “Arugula has a peppery, spicy, and slightly tart flavor. It has a green freshness that makes it a popular addition to salad mixes. The leaves are tender with a crisp stem, much like raw spinach. Cooked, arugula also resembles the delicate texture of cooked spinach. The flavor of cooked arugula is more mellow than when raw, with a very light spicy bite.” (What Is Arugula?) Arugula is one of my personal favorites. I love it raw in a simple salad, wilted and added to eggs, and lately, added to a big pot of beans in the last few minutes of cooking to add some brightness to an otherwise rich meal.
Savory Butternut Squash and Carrot Soup Recipe - use your sugar dumplings!
Roasted Sweet Potato Sorghum Salad
a pot of brothy beans - by Alison Roman - a newsletter
All of these would be great served with lightly charred broccolini and bread with cheese, topped with fried sage (we have small bunches of sage for drying in the market stand for $1! hang upside down for 3 days and then fry the leaves in oil with salt)
I hope you’re all enjoying the cold-weather cooking as much as I am. Until next week!
P.S. Check out our instagram for a really cute reel I made of snowy farm goodness! :)